Letter from Macy’s Owner Shortly Before Boarding Titanic

Isidor Straus, owner of the Macy’s Department Store on New York’s Herald Square, sent this letter from London on April 5, 1912. Remarkably, he notes that “we sail for home on the steamer “Titanic” leaving Southampton April 10th”.

The letter reads:

I am in receipt of your favor of the 3d inst. It certainly is of great interest to me that you become a member of the Verband & I know you will use all energy compatible with discretion to bring this about as soon as possible. it will be pleasant for me to learn how you regard the prospects of accomplishing this & how soon you have reason to expect results. We sail for home on the steamer ‘Titanic’ leaving from Southampton April 10th & a letter addressed to me passenger for Stmr ‘Titanic’ care of White Star Line Southampton may yet reach. Ida joins in kindest remembrances to you & your better half.


We start from here Wednesday morning.

Isisor Straus, his wife Rosalie, Mr. Straus’ valet, and Mrs. Straus’ maid all boarded the Titanic at Southhampton as First Class passengers. The maid was the only one of the party to survive.

This letter was auctioned in April 2013 for $45,578.

(Photo Source: RR Auction)
